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Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace: Business Impact and Solutions
Supporting mental health is a top priority for all organizations in today’s workplace. In fact, mental health is now listed as one of our country’s top health concerns. National research indicates that employees across all age groups are struggling with emotional health challenges, which has a direct impact on job performance. Consider that 76% of all employees reported struggling with a mental health condition and job-related stress in the past year (APA, 2024).
This workshop focuses on the current scope of mental health in the United States, its impact to the workplace and best practices associated with developing an HR roadmap to create a psychologically healthy workplace. Specific ideas on how an organization can integrate Mental Health First Aid into their workplace culture will also be discussed.
Russell Correa, Ed.M, LMHC - Russell brings over 20 years of experience as a licensed clinician, consultant, crisis manager and certified executive coach. As a consultant and trainer, he works with both national and regional client groups across multiple industries, helping them address issues that impact organizational health. Russell has extensive experience working in the Public Sector, partnering with both public and private colleges/universities throughout the state of Florida, as well as municipalities in Broward and Miami Dade Counties. As a clinician, Russell is a licensed mental health counselor in New York, Florida, and California. His work with individual clients is based on positive psychology and focuses on developing a client’s sense of personal resiliency and working past old thinking patterns and behaviors. Russell is an EMDR trained and approved therapist through EMDRIA and works with clients (including firefighters and first responders) work past trauma that is negatively impacting their personal and professional lives. Finally, as an executive coach, Russell works with mid-management to senior level leadership with organizational issues like strategy building, career development/transitions, performance management and leadership skill development. Russell’s experience as an Executive Coach is informed by his previous role in management, where he worked as the VP of Account Services for a New York based consulting firm for over 10 years.
Russell has spoken at over 30 HR and Industry Association groups since 2014. He most recently was a featured speaker at both the Florida Public Human Resources Association’s Annual Conference and the Florida College and University HR Professional Association’s Annual Conference during the Summer of 2024.
Russell completed his graduate studies at Columbia University, where he earned an Ed.M in Counseling Psychology and an M.A. in Organizational Psychology. He completed his undergraduate education at the University of California at Berkeley, where he earned a B.A. in Sociology. He earned his professional coaching certification through New York University. Russell has additional professional certifications in EMDR, Mental Health First Aid and Psychological First Aid.
To schedule a consultation, contact Russell at:
Phone: 305.978.7985